Clinical Skills & Simulation Center

مركز المهارات والمحاكاة الصحي

Life Support Courses

SHA HSFA Instructor Orientation Course

04-Mar-2025 - 04-Mar-2025 (Duration: 0 0)

SHA ALSO Instructor Orientation Course

19-Mar-2025 - 19-Mar-2025 (Duration: 0 Hours)

SHA BLS Instructor Orientation Course

25-Feb-2025 - 25-Feb-2025 (Duration: 0 Hours)
Address: Zoom link will be sent before the course date

The Saudi Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (SALSO) instructor Course

27-Feb-2025 - 27-Feb-2025 (Duration: 1 Days)
Address: Clinical Skills & Simulation Center (old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25 ,at King khalid University hospital , Riyadh

The Saudi Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (SALSO) Provider Course

26-Feb-2025 - 26-Feb-2025 (Duration: 1 Days)
Address: Clinical Skills & Simulation Center (old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25 ,at King khalid University hospital , Riyadh


Pediatric Clinical Skills Simulation Boot Camp

16-Feb-2025 - 16-Feb-2025 (Duration: 2 Days)
Address: (8:00AM-1:00PM) AT King Saud University Medical City, Clinical Skills & Simulation Center, New College of Medicine 2nd floor.

Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Provider + ACLS COURSE FOR FREE (ANY TIME THIS YEAR)

30-Apr-2025 - 01-May-2025 (Duration: 2 Days)
Address: King Saud University Medical City, Clinical Skills & Simulation Center, New College of Medicine building 34 2nd floor.



22-Feb-2025 - 22-Feb-2025 (Duration: 1 Days)
Address: King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25.King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center,


19-Feb-2025 - 19-Feb-2025 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: ONLINE (4-6 PM ) HANDS ON session 9 AM Clinical Skills & Simulation Center (old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25 ,at King khalid University hospital ROOM 318


19-Feb-2025 - 19-Feb-2025 (Duration: 2 Hours)
Address: ONLINE (4PM-6PM)


16-Feb-2025 - 16-Feb-2025 (Duration: 1 Days)
Address: King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25 ,King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center

Hybrid Courses

SHA NRP Provider Course (Hybrid)

20-Feb-2026 - 20-Feb-2026 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25. King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center,

SHA PALS Provider Course (Hybrid)

20-Feb-2026 - 20-Feb-2026 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25. King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center,

SHA ACLS Provider Course (Hybrid)

20-Feb-2026 - 20-Feb-2026 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25. King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center,

SHA BLS Provider Course (Hybrid)

20-Feb-2026 - 20-Feb-2026 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25. King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center,



31-Dec-2025 - 31-Dec-2025 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: FOR PRACTICAL : King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center, King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25.


31-Dec-2025 - 31-Dec-2025 (Duration: 0 0)
Address: FOR PRACTICAL : King Saud University’s Clinical Skills and Simulation Center, King Khalid University Hospital (Old Building) 2ND floor, next to ward 25.

Director Letter

Simulation is playing an ever-increasing role in the training and maintenance of certification of the healthcare profession world-wide. This educational modality provides a uniquely deliberative and repetitive opportunity to practice skills while offering immediate feedback to the learner for the development of techniques performance to a predetermined proficiency level.

Simulation also allows the trainee to explore all possible outcomes and potential errors or complications related to that procedure or technique. This can all be provided in a risk-free environment away from the patient and has been shown to reduce the training time for complex medical and surgical skills.

As such, the educational activity can be entirely learner-cantered, rather than teaching added to a primarily patient-centered event, which ultimately benefits both the learner and the patient. This training can be directed at very specific skills training, or more extensive task training, to entire procedural training and more recently, the training of high reliability teams such as those in the operating room, intensive care unit and emergency room.

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