Course Overview
The Saudi Heart Association Heart Saver First Aid/ CPR AED instructor course, a
full day course (8 hours) incorporates the recent guidelines and updates.
It trains the instructor candidates how to teach Heart Saver First Aid/ CPR AED
provider course. In the classroom, Faculty members will prepare the instructor
candidates to become SHA instructors by focusing on the in-depth material about
variety of first aid emergencies such as Medical, traumatic, envirumental
emergencies , how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for victims in
different age groups, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills and use an
automated external defibrillator (AED) .
Course Audience:
The HSFA CPR AED Instructor Course is for instructor candidates who have
already successfully completed the HSFA CPR AED Provider Course.
Course Length: 8 hours
Accredited: By Saudi Heart Association